By: Iliana Brouillette
Academic Bowl is an extracurricular activity run by the school. The 6 West science and math teacher Ms. Stella is the teacher in charge of this extracurricular activity Academic Bowl is a competition between six schools in the neighboring towns. They compete on a selected topic and partner with another school. This years topic was Massachusetts, the kids met every Tuesday after school to learn everything they could about the topic. There are three rounds in each competition, the kids are put into four person "squads" and compete in the different rounds. The all around favorite round is the buzzer round, it's very similar to Jeopardy. Our schools team is made up of nine seventh graders and nine eight graders. The purpose of Academic Bowl is to challenge kids of all ages to work together towards a common goal. At the end of the year they take a big group trip, this year they get to go to Google in Cambridge. The members of the team are carefully selected. Only the best of the best get to compete, if you were in Academic Bowl in seventh grade then you're automatically in for eighth grade. If your being considered for a coveted spot on the team your past and present teachers are asked. They look for a well rounded student who is strong in all areas. Remember next year to cheer on your peers during the next season.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Behind the Scenes
By: Emily Flanagan and Shannon Chu
As you know the play Grease is coming up but what you may not know is who to give credit. The actors are bound to do a great job. Ms. Rey and Ms. Murray did an excellent job organizing everyone. Under the direction of Ms. Sullivan stage crew made all the props, keeps the spotlight shining, and the sound booth from being empty. You could say that all credit is owed to the stage crew. Without stage crew the play would never get off the ground. Opening Night runs smoothly because the actors know their lines and Stage Crew knows theirs. While that might sound weird saying that the Stage Crew has lines but they do. Stage Crew has to know their cues, when to change set, when to adjust lights, sounds. The play will be a success thanks to the actors, Ms. Rey and Mrs Murray, and Stage Crew for in the words of Bill Belichick “Doing Their Job.”
Prop for the "Prom" |
Drama Closet |
The Lockers |
Teacher Feature: Ms.Garabedian
By: Emily Flanagan and Shannon Chu
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
A Musical Winter Wonderland
By Lisa and Madeline Shin
On January 19th, there will be a winter concert at the Wood Hill auditorium. It will start at one pm, but for the students that are playing or singing music, they must come at 12:30 to the auditorium. Chorus, Orchestra, and Band will perform on this day. At the concert, you can hear appealing music played by these three groups. Each group’s music is different, but you will be amazed of how it is to hear music in many different styles. These students have been preparing and playing music for a long time, so they are pumped for the concert. This concert is a lesson to the audience that hard work pays off in the end.
This year, many students will be participating in the winter concert. The three musical groups each have wonderful songs to play. Ms. Elliott, Mr. Wright, and Mrs. Pratt are just few of the great people who have contributed to this concert. When the winter concert does come around though, there will be some rules to follow. The main rule is to stay silent while the players are performing. It is disrespectful and talking distracts you from the delightful music. The students who are playing have practiced hard for this concert and disrupting their performance is not advised. The other rule is to enjoy listening to the music. The music varies from hymns to drum beating, so you hear a lot of diverse music.
Are you ready for a snow shower of sparkly music from the Orchestra? Or a huge blast of singing from the Chorus or a nice snowflake tune from the flute? The student’s performance will amaze you with their determination for good wintery music. The rhythm and intonation will blow the snow out of your yard. If you enjoy the concert, you can watch it again at 7:00 pm, but with your family. Whatever it is, wear a warm jacket because the ultimate snowstorm is coming, the Winter Concert.
On January 19th, there will be a winter concert at the Wood Hill auditorium. It will start at one pm, but for the students that are playing or singing music, they must come at 12:30 to the auditorium. Chorus, Orchestra, and Band will perform on this day. At the concert, you can hear appealing music played by these three groups. Each group’s music is different, but you will be amazed of how it is to hear music in many different styles. These students have been preparing and playing music for a long time, so they are pumped for the concert. This concert is a lesson to the audience that hard work pays off in the end.
This year, many students will be participating in the winter concert. The three musical groups each have wonderful songs to play. Ms. Elliott, Mr. Wright, and Mrs. Pratt are just few of the great people who have contributed to this concert. When the winter concert does come around though, there will be some rules to follow. The main rule is to stay silent while the players are performing. It is disrespectful and talking distracts you from the delightful music. The students who are playing have practiced hard for this concert and disrupting their performance is not advised. The other rule is to enjoy listening to the music. The music varies from hymns to drum beating, so you hear a lot of diverse music.
Are you ready for a snow shower of sparkly music from the Orchestra? Or a huge blast of singing from the Chorus or a nice snowflake tune from the flute? The student’s performance will amaze you with their determination for good wintery music. The rhythm and intonation will blow the snow out of your yard. If you enjoy the concert, you can watch it again at 7:00 pm, but with your family. Whatever it is, wear a warm jacket because the ultimate snowstorm is coming, the Winter Concert.
SING!!! The movie of singing and struggling
By:Emily Flanagan
Sing is hysterical movie about an unlikely group chosen to be in a singing contest. The director Mr. Moon is on the verge of going bankrupt. After a printing mistake each contestant is offered a chance to win $100,000, instead of the actual $1,000, which was a possibility to afford. After lots of drama when everything is going wrong, no one knows what to do. Will the unlikely group be able to pull it together, or is this show doomed along with everything they've put on the line?
Gunter-The flashy pig
Mike-The sly cheating mouse
Ash-The Rock and Roll teenager
Buster Moon-Executive Director
Rosita-Supermom of 25 kids
Johnny-Reformed Thief
Meena-Shy Superstar
Professor Fix-It: Dear Lunch Buddies
Dear Professor Fix-It,
My best friend at lunch, always sits with other people. I don’t get to see her that much because we only have academics together. And she doesn't sit next to me in any of our classes. What should I do?
Lunch Buddies
Dear Lunch Buddies,
Your friend is probably trying to branch out and make some new friends. You might want to try it too. Lunch is probably the only time they have to hang out. Try not to be upset or angry with her, try asking her to sit with you at lunch one day. Even if she doesn't want to sit with you just be there and be a supportive friend.
Dear Lunch Buddies,
Your friend is probably trying to branch out and make some new friends. You might want to try it too. Lunch is probably the only time they have to hang out. Try not to be upset or angry with her, try asking her to sit with you at lunch one day. Even if she doesn't want to sit with you just be there and be a supportive friend.
Professor Fix-It
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Professor Fix-It: Nervous
Dear Professor Fix-It,
Last trimester my grades slipped from an A to a B. My parents are really worried. All of the sudden I have no free time since my parents want me to do homework all of the time. I am not worried so why are they?
Dear Nervous,
An A to B really is not a huge slip. Your parents are just probably worried that if you slipped now, you might slip again and not be able to catch up. Like I said before, it is not a huge grade difference but a slip now could mean that this trimester will be harder than the last because you might not have the solid foundation that everyone else has. Don't worry too much though as long as you work hard there's nothing to worry about.
Professor Fix-It
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