Hurricane Harvey hit the state of Texas on August 25- September 3. Now the kids are already back in school. For you, the first day of school may mean, tests, homework, and stress. But for these kids, it meant having something normal in their lives. At Codwell Elementary the the secretary stood outside offering a hug to every student who walked through the doors. Out of 280 schools in Houston 250 opened last Monday. Several of the unopened schools were still closed due to the damage that Harvey caused. Roughly nine of the schools were closed because they were so wrecked that they had to be relocated or possibly doubled up with other schools in the nearby and surrounding areas. The Superintendent made a speech on the first of school, put a lot of stress on being flexible. Superintendent Carranza said, “This is going to be a year of not only great academic achievement, but it's going to be a year of healing.”
You may have noticed that there are posters and boxes all around the Wood Hill Middle School asking for donations, for a school in Texas that was hit particularly hard. Everything that will be donated are going to the the families and teachers at that school so that hopefully they can soon reopen. Below are some links used for this article