
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A Year of Awesome

By: Emily Flanagan

Have you made some great memories this year? Did you do something super fun with your friends or classmates? Well, you can hang on to all these memories for as long as you’d like. Sure it’s great to remember awesome times, but what if you could have photographs of all the fun things you did this year? Order a yearbook, they are a great and exciting way to remember things, and they are fun to look back at when you get older. You can also have your friends sign your yearbook, and wish you friends a good summer in a memorable way. They cost $35 for each and order forms are due by March 19. Don't count on just ordering an extra when they come in, because they order two or three extras and once they run out, that's it. Order them now, to remember your awesome year!

Another Guinea Pig in Ms. Fargeorge's Class

By: Pritha Yalakkishettar

Do you guys remember Panda the guinea pig down on 7 West? Well guess what? 7 West believed that our little Panda was getting a bit lonely, so Ms. Fargeorge decided to bring another guinea pig to the family. This little critter is so small and cute! She is the color of honey and as soft as a bed of feathers.

7 West has not decided on a name yet, but some of the options are Honey, Mocha, Nougat, Peanut and Ginger. This new guinea pig is pretty chill, she loves to be held and is very calm when in someone’s hands. What would you name this new guinea pig? Check out the pictures below to take a closer look at this cute little pet!

Photos by Emily Flanagan

Joke of the Week

Why did the melon jump into the lake?

He wanted to be a watermelon!


The answer from last week was "Meat!"
This week we have a hilarious brainteaser which is:

Q: A man pushes his car to a hotel. He tells the owner that he is bankrupt. Why?

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Joke of the Week

Where do you learn to make a banana split?

Sundae school!

Brain Teaser

Time for the brain teaser of the week! Last week's was ,"Who is bigger? Mr. Bigger, Mrs.Bigger, or their baby?" The answer is the baby. Because he was a little bigger.

This week's is "Mike is a butcher. He is 5'10". What does he weigh?"